Extraordinarium Museum
Artifacts reveal demonic and malevolent cases
Deadly objects and true life events
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48% of reported hauntings are usually overlooked, because they are often interpreted by the general public as just being "misconceptions". However, the remaining 51% of all reported hauntings will have much more substance, as all malevolent energies will present themselves as either being Evil, Mischievous, Obnoxious or just downright Disgusting energies, which we will all have to deal with.
There is 1% that goes beyond your imagination or concept of how you percieve an energy to act, these are malevolent to a point of human life being severely threatened. Of that one percent, a minute few become life threatening or mentally disabling. From the moment that you enter the Extraordinarium, do not think that you are on your own, because simply put - you most certainly are NOT!
Artifacts, feelings and malevolent enrgies.

With deep historical backgrounds locked into artifacts from as far back as the 15th Century, you will here true events.
These artifacts were formerly used by the deceased and as such, the connection to the equipment or the murder weapons all create thier own very spectacular atmosphere.
The malevolent energies make themselves known, independently of and in addition to, any haunted artifacts that the 'Extraordinarium Museum' holds for safety.
Every object has its own unique and powerful energy and story for you to experience.
Unfortunately, 1 in 3 of us die in agony! It is hard to imagine, but torturous death was a crowd thriller years ago and one that you would readily pay to see!
// check the history of death.
There is nothing “ordinary” about any artifact within the Extraordinarium Museum Catacombs. What may at first look somewhat simple and untoward, can actually be just as dangerous as some of the more macabre artifacts.
Haunted artifacts having malevolent or demonic attachments are not frightened to step out of the darkness, in order to test, scare and harm you.
The darkest and Malevolent Risk Category 1 haunted items are held in vault
We hold strangely a number of Malevolent Risk Category 1 registered artifacts, however only a select few are authorised or allowed to be on actual display at any one time.
Due to the nature of the artifacts contained within the vaults, you are hereby notified by a specific waiver, to be over 21, in good health and have the knowledge that these items may attach. This attachment is entirely at your own risk, knowing you ventured to see or be near these items of free will without any coaxing or enforcement taking place.
This is not a trick! Neither is it a challenge or baiting! Simply put it is your own responsibility, you visit and it is at your own consequences!
Ghosts cannot harm you, can they? // A sceptic asked
"Then ask the lady who was thrown against a wall and pinned to it by an unseen force if that's right!